'Transc-Geopolitics' - spelt "Transc-Geopolitics" - or alternatively, "Trans-Geopolitics" - is a term created by Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, a conflation of the two words - "Transcendental" and "Geopolitics."
The term has appeared online in a series of magazines and articles (Weekly Review) - these were the notes of Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja and presented in an edited form, in a series of articles called the "African-Anglo Commonwealth" - the Editor of the journal was Candice Adelaja.
In his private notes - SOTI Collected Works, he regarded it as being a consideration of the subject of 'Geopolitics' with an understanding of the metaphysical, esoteric and occult dynamics, that have existed in civilizations and societies for millennia - he termed this, the 'Cosmic Reality Of The Art & Science Of Government (Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works - 'Transc-Geopolitics.')
The art and science of government, be it expressed in the form of Kingship / Queenship - raw military power, such as a "Conqueror" - or the reign of a Dictator or Tyrant - is ultimately 'sanctioned' / 'legitimised' in one way or another, by an 'ultimate force,' which exists beyond the paradigmatic framework of the Polity, Community or State.
In relation to the legitimacy of government - the term 'The Transcendental' is relevant.
Historically, commentators have regarded such a legitimising Force with "reverence" - as being "sacred" - often referring to it as a "Divine Force" / "Power." One is reminded of the phrase of Lord Yeshua - "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's" (Matthew 22:21, KJV.) This legitimising Force, is seen as a "Divine Mandate" - or "Celestial Mantle" - giving the right of a Ruler to rule.
The point is clear, that such rule or government, is regarded as being not just "as of right" - in a "political sense" - but also in a "Cosmic" / "Spiritual" / "Metaphysical" sense - in that, it is 'Sacred' in nature.
Abstractly, this legitimising 'Element,' can be regarded as the 'Design' / 'Purpose' / or an 'Activity' - of the "First Cause." This could be 'God,' 'gODs,' 'gODDesses' - as a source in ancient traditions, in The Science Of Abstract Consciousness - this is 'Consciousness' itself.
The term 'Transc-Geopolitics' is also in order, in relation to contemporary Geopolitical events, when considering the "Global Relations" of Nations and States - often termed "International Relations" - "Global Politics" or "Geopolitics."
Taking these various 'Elements' - Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, regarded them as being in "essence" - 'Transcendental' in their nature, as that 'transcendence,' is expressed through the history of 'Human Polities,' 'Communities,' 'Nation States,' 'Empires' and 'Civilizational Structures' in general.
The term 'Transcendental' in its consideration of the 'Metaphysical,' 'Esoteric' and 'Occult,' automatically includes "cultural aspects" of Human Existence - "Art," "Science," "Music," "Literature" - of Nations and States - these are part of the "transcendental aspect" - and are therefore regarded as a proper consideration, within the discipline of 'Transc-Geopolitics.' How they feature and the degree of relevance, is something the 'Transc-Geopolitical Analyst' - will ultimately determine - since, it is the Analyst or Author of a work, that determines its contents and therefore the appropriateness of such determinations.
These "transcendental elements" - were not usually considered in the ordinary analysis / study of 'Nation States' and 'Geopolitics.' However, some Geopolitical writers, observed the study of the 'Sacred' in government. They noticed an unbroken affinity, between 'Spirit' and the 'Temporal' - often expressed in the functions of the Priesthood and its relationship to Kingship / Queenship. This relationship could itself, be fused and expressed in a single individual.
Such were the ancient practices in the art of government and the science of power - we can still see echoes of this today. It is quite apparent, that there is currently a deficit of legitimacy, in global political structures in general. On the global plane, there is a general sense of "illegitimacy" - as a result of the global political chaos, that exists. There also exists, the spectre of "global collapse" - "economic" - "social" and "political." Further, there are the various warnings, of global military conflict - euphemistically referred to as "World War 3" or "Armageddon" or "Pseudo Armageddon" - contained, not just in standard geopolitical works and the study of International Relations, but in the everyday media - the news and social media.
Further, in sacred literature, again there is expressed, a sense of "doomed expectancy" - this Third World War and Armageddon theme. The world appears to be, absent of peace - and Peoples globally struggle for a "strong arm" - a "strong man" - to restore order - which in sacred terms, is contemporarily expressed in the term - the "Anti-Christ" - "The World Dictator" or "The Dictatorix."
This particular individual combines both the Spiritual and Temporal in his / her - "absolute rule" and therefore embodies the 'Transcendent.' It represents therefore, a perfect contemporary case study, for the transcendental in Geopolitics or Transc-Geopolitics.
In considering the "Anti-Christ" - "The World Dictator" or "The Dictatorix" - political, historic and sacred text, it is required to consider, the 'Sacred,' 'Esoteric,' 'Occult' and 'Metaphysical.'
In our Age we are aware of "trans-dimensional spaces" and more concretely - "outer space" - which appears within our plane... Are we alone - or is there anyone else out there?...
Our technology, some of which, undoubtedly, remains hidden by governments - suggests that contact has been made with 'Higher Intelligences' or 'Beings,' 'Aliens' or 'Extraterrestrials' - belief in such phenomena is now well grounded globally in 'Human Consciousness.'
Therefore, the question remains. What has been the nature of such contact - or what will be the nature of such contact, assuming the premise that we are not alone is correct? There exists a study of such phenomena, known as 'Exo-Politics.' This discipline too, falls within the ambit of 'Transc-Geopolitics' as a discipline.
As a consequence of the exceptionally new and varied considerations, which come to be considered within the disciplines of 'Transc-Geopolitics' (metaphysics,' 'cultural,' 'history' – 'science' and 'technology,' to name a few) – the complexity of Nation States long term planning - and also in terms of International Relations, the diplomatic and negotiatory process is - significantly increased. In considering, the subject "War, Politics & Diplomacy" within the discipline of 'Transc-Geopolitics,' there has to be a new way to "order" and "balance" - these various new elements. This is known as 'The Transc-Geopolitical Calculus.'
© Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works
Edited by Candice Adelaja